What is CESMII?

The Clean Energy Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute (CESMII) is the United States’ national institute created to accelerate broad adoption of Smart Manufacturing to manufacturers of all sizes. To do this, CESMII works with Industrial Training and Assessment Centers (ITACs) to deliver a more effective and standardized set of capabilities to small and medium size manufacturers. 

Several third parties offer Smart Manufacturing training programs. These programs teach Smart Manufacturing concepts and skills to help increase industry competition and reduce operating costs. CESMII also hosts a series of webinars to explore Smart Manufacturing innovation with experienced experts. 

To learn more, visit the sites below: 

What is Smart Manufacturing?

CESMII Education Program

CESMII Webinars

What are SMICs?

Smart Manufacturing Innovation Centers are CESMII partnerships with industry and academia to deliver Smart Manufacturing to vertical markets. SMICs provide examples of Smart Manufacturing, including a demonstration process, curriculum, and an installation of the CESMII Innovation Platform.

Current SMICs:

  • University of California Los Angeles
    • Western Satellite SMICs:
      • Atollogy
      • El Camino College
  • Texas A&M
  • North Carolina State University
  • Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute